Orizon LLC and OREF Form Partnership to Advance Innovation in Patient Care

New Orizon Fund to provide financial and operational support to OREF grant recipients seeking to commercialize healthcare solutions
05-21-2024 | Updated: 5-21-2024

Orizon LLC and the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (OREF)today announced the formation of a dedicated healthcare venture fund, the Orizon Fund, to support the acceleration to market of innovative orthopaedic healthcare technology solutions derived from OREF-funded research. The Orizon Fund will provide capital to finance the operations of new companies created to market the solutions, providing support in general management, product development, regulatory and quality assurance practices, and healthcare reimbursement guidance where appropriate.

As part of the funding process, OREF will identify grant recipients whose research has led to the development of healthcare solutions and invite them to participate in an evaluation process. Orizon LLC will work with interested OREF grant recipients to create business and product development plans that position the solution for commercial viability.

“The partnership with Orizon represents an exciting new way for OREF to achieve its mission of supporting investigators and funding innovative musculoskeletal research. The OREF’s goal is to improve patient care by funding research into novel solutions to current clinical problems. By assisting OREF-funded researchers in getting those solutions to market and into the hands of orthopaedic surgeons in an effective and efficient fashion, we can further leverage the generous support provided by OREF donors to improve clinical practice,” said Joshua J. Jacobs, MD, OREF President. He added, “Supporting innovative research is at the core of OREF’s mission, and assisting our grantees in taking the next step with their research advancements is a natural extension of our mission.”